Q-CERT continuing to monitor current developments regarding coronavirus (Covid 19), the guidelines of the World and National Health Organization and concerning the safety of its partners as well as the smooth operation of the certification processes informs you that:
Mr Kostas Avtzoglou continues to be available to provide technical arrangements for those working remotely and access to system files is necessary.
Headquarters continues to have a sufficient number of employees to ensure the smooth operation of our CB (such as customer communication, file and information management).
Conducting Audits / Inspections:
For the Audit / Inspection procedure the directions as stated in guide (COVID 19 GUIDE) apply. The guide is based on or makes reference to the following links of Accreditation Bodies and / or Scheme Owners:
E.SY.D.: https://esyd.gr/main/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/OEF_42.pdf
ACCREDIA: https://www.accredia.it/en/coronavirus/
BRCGS078 Position Statement amending audit protocol post covid-19 lockdown v7.1, 01.03.2021
BRCGS080 Blended Audit – remote audit using ICT, v3.1, 01.03.2021
BRCGS086 Remote audits during the pandemic v2.1, 01.03.2021
BRCGS087 FAQs on Remote Audits Blended Audits and Certificate Extensions, v1, 22.09.2020
GLOBALG.A.P.: https://www.globalgap.org/uk_en/media-events/news/corona-virus-updates/index.html
FSSC 22000: CB-Requirements-COVID-19-December-2020_web
QS: https://www.q-s.de/site/information-page-coronavirus.html
For Notified Bodies: NB-CPR – 20-852r3 – Maintaining certificates during the COVID 19
A) As stated in the relevant guide, companies that are unable to conduct an audit / inspection due to coronavirus should inform us in writing about the reason through the use of form:
F-2537 (1) EN Customers Communication in case of Extr. Ord. Ev.
Q-CERT will evaluate the justification based on the Guidelines of the relevant Bodies, including the general strategy for preventing the transmission of the disease, and will inform the client about the appropriate actions.
B) For the companies in which an on-site audit is to be carried out, all the necessary measures should be taken according to the guide COVID19-PROTECTIVE MEASURES DURING AUDITS.
We remain at your disposal for any queries regarding inspection / auditing procedures.