Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) for flowers and ornamentals is a global standard emphasizing responsible farming practices throughout the entire production process. Rooted in a holistic approach, it focuses on critical aspects like environmental sustainability, workers’ well-being, production processes, and traceability. The standard sets requirements in areas such as soil and water management, plant protection, plant nutrition, biodiversity, and workers’ well-being.

By addressing these key topics, the standard empowers producers to track their progress, showcase their dedication to enhancing ecosystem sustainability, and enhance the efficiency of their farm operations.

IFA for flowers and ornamentals is accessible to producers worldwide, spanning various production systems from open fields to greenhouses.

Q-CERT S.A. holds accreditation from ESYD, enabling the provision of services in nearly every country. For additional information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Relevant documents can be accessed via the following here.